Piston Automotive Reduces Defects By 100% With Kure

Brett Pace

Engineering and Maintenance Manager, Piston Group


Business Case

  • Increase jobs per hour with less barcode scan failures

Root Cause Analysis

  • Different operators can have different motions in the workflow process which can cause variations in the initial barcode scan failures

  • Different operators place labels imprecisely

  • The scanner is an older model and not capable

Solutions Implemented

  • Train operations on placing barcode in consistent location

  • Develop the best workflow in the process and standardize

  • Purchase a new, better rated scanner to avoid read errors

Project Results

  • The results were better than expected. The scan errors were reduced from 11 per/hour to zero 0 after improvements. Also improved operators’ cycle time per unit.

The Challenge

In the realm of automotive manufacturing, where every second is a valuable currency, productivity is the linchpin. Brett Pace, the Engineering and Maintenance Manager at Piston Automotive, faced a productivity drain due to rampant barcode scan failures. Previous attempts to solve the problem had met with limited success. A new approach was needed.

The Approach

Brett embarked on a journey utilizing Kure, the AI-driven process improvement workflow, to optimize the application of his GLSS Lean Six Sigma training. Central in the training and Kure is the DMAIC process improvement methodology, a 5-step approach of Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control. Kure guides a project team through the methodology like a detective uncovering clues, and solving the mysteries hidden in the process.


Amid a key manufacturing process, a barcode scanning error rate of at least 10 per hour leads to a roller coaster decent in productivity. Kure guided Brett in defining the project, setting a measurable goal, and organizing the venture. Like a mentor, Kure provided step-by-step guidance, ensuring a clear definition of the problem, business case, process under study, and timeline. 

Kure summarizes the improvement effort in a Charter and Project Timeline. Brett’s goal was to reduce initial barcode scan failures from 10 to 2 per hour.


With Kure’s As-Is Process Map, Brett gained a deep understanding of the current process and insights into opportunities for improvement. To better understand these opportunities data is needed. Effective data collection and analysis are often a stumbling block for improvement projects. Kure facilitates data collection tied to project goals and key factors in the current process and then conducts patent-pending Clue Detection analysis.

Data showed the barcode error rate was worse than thought at more than 11 errors per hour and varied significantly from day to day. Digging deeper into the data, Brett quickly learned that the work was performed differently by each operator and the placement of the barcode varied greatly. As an architect, constructing a framework of understanding, Kure provides a solid foundation for the Root Cause Analysis.


Like a misdirected treasure hunt, many improvement projects fall into a pitfall when attempting to uncover root causes, often wasting precious time and resources in the pursuit. Guided by Kure, Brett's quest for riches explored the complex manufacturing processes using tools like the Fishbone diagram and the 5 Whys method. The valuable Root Causes unearthed were:

  • Operators took widely different approaches to the task

  • The barcode labels were not in the exact location

  • The scanner would often misread the barcode

Kure's AI analysis and guidance ensured a clear linkage between the project goals and root causes.


Effective improvements need to be linked to the root causes; Kure’s automated pathway ensures the root causes discovered are tied to the solutions developed. With Kure’s Solution Selection Matrix, the team collaboratively developed solutions that would provide the most impact for the least effort. The team chose to:

  • Educate operators on placing the barcodes in a consistent location

  • Develop the best workflow practices and standardize

  • Investing in a new, more capable scanner to avoid read errors

Kure led the team along a path to collaboratively develop and implement solutions, then guided them through demonstrating results with a Verification of Improvement.

The Results surpassed expectations. Barcode scan failures dropped from 11 per hour to an impressive zero, and operator cycle time per unit witnessed a significant boost, showcasing an increase in jobs per hour.


The challenge lies not just in improvement but in sustaining it. Kure, like a coach on the sidelines, provides strategic insights and guidance to navigate the strategic issues of closing a project by facilitating the Project Handoff, effectively passing the baton to daily operations. To ensure the results are sustained, Kure’s Monitoring and Response Plan identifies how day-to-day operations can pick up the ball and carry the improved process forward, freeing up Brett to focus on other improvement projects.


Brett Pace and Piston Automotive's success story is a testament to the power created with the use of Kure. When people have all the tools and coaching needed in one intuitive application, it allows them to focus on solving problems, spending no time dealing with tedious training, stressful spreadsheets, and ponderous presentations. 

Kure eliminates the uncertainty and complexity of the past, saving time and ensuring a project doesn't stray down the wrong paths. Like a GPS for process improvement, Kure provides real-time guidance, recalculating routes as needed, ensuring teams reach their destination swiftly and with maximum ROI.

Kure User

Project Summaries are submitted unedited in the author's original text in order to preserve the integrity of the project.


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